
Facts About Hookah You Should Know

Source: Hindustan Times

Hookah, also popularly known as shisha, narghile, or waterpipe is a famous primitive smoking alternative. This smoking technique has been practiced for hundreds of generations and still going on in the 21st Century.

Hookah has been able to captivate people’s interest in it through its unique flavoring and smoke, and varieties of hookah tastes. There is no evidence of hookah being disappointing to a consumer as its main objective is to always provide the users with quality satisfaction and experience.

Do you want to know some interesting facts about Hookah? Stick with us throughout the content to gain some shocking information about Hookah.

1. Hookah Has Several Names

Being one of the most popular smoking alternatives all over the world. It has established itself in the form of different identifications through various names. People call Hookah by different names all across the world. This is one of the most popular facts about hookah.

The main reason people call it by different names is due to the separation of ethnicity, society, and people. Some of the most pronounced alternative words for “Hookah” are:

  • Narghile
  • Molasses
  • Argileh
  • Tobamel
  • Maasel
  • Shisha
  • Tombak

2. Hookah is Mostly Used By Women, Not Men

If we have to go back to the 19th Century, Hookah was mostly the preferred smoking alternative for women. It sounds very surprising and unusual but, it is a fact. This is one of the hidden facts about hookah which many people don’t know. Why men didn’t prefer smoking Hookah?

The main reason they don’t smoke hookah is that it is very time-consuming and the consumer had to deal with many processes before and after taking the shots. Back then, men were much busier compared to women, and that led them to not prefer Hookah as a smoking alternative.

Source: Alamy

” Woman Smoking Hookah In the 19th Century (1890 AD)”

3. Two Most Popular Hookah Flavors in the World

There are many varieties of hookah flavors all around the world. But, there are very few flavors that are liked and preferred by a smoking enthusiast. Those two flavors are Double Apple and Mint.

The taste of Double Apple is often sweet and has a tart test of fresh fruits. Mint is also sweet and has a very cool sensation that comes from the menthol contained in the herb.

4. Largest Hookah in the World is in Los Angeles

World’s largest hookah is located in the United States of America, Los Angeles. Talking about its exact location in Los Angeles, it is placed in Holly Hookah Lounge. The height of the hookah is approximately 5 meters and has a width of around 1 meter.

5. Shisha Tobacco Also Has An Expiry Date

Did you know or not, shisha tobacco also has an expiry date with it? Mostly, shisha tobacco can be consumed for 2 years if the package is not opened. But, if the package is opened, shisha tobacco’s expiry date will decrease to only 6 months.

The expiry date of shisha tobacco depends upon the brands and their in-built ingredients. Before buying any shisha tobacco, always remember to check the expiry date.

6. Can We Get Nicotine-Free Hookah?

Yes, you can get nicotine-free hookah. Many brands produce hookah with nicotine-free products, which will reduce the health risk of an individual. To find a nicotine-free hookah, always remember to check the label of the hookah. If nicotine is not mentioned in the ingredient list then, it is a valid nicotine-free hookah.

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7. Fruits Can Also Be Used As A Hookah Bowl

Yes, fruits can also be used as a hookah bowl. The main reason for using real fruits as the hookah bowl is because the heat from coal can help provide more flavors of the fruits which will eventually create a more enjoyable experience for the smoker.

Source: Tick Tock Hookah


What Are The Benefits Of Hookah?

Smoking has always been one of the most pleasurable and luxurious activities you can practice. The benefits of hookah include enjoying a smooth taste, a relaxing experience, a break from a long day of work, and a better social aspect.

Why Is It Called Hookah?

The work Hookah is influenced by a derivative of ‘Huqqa’, a Hindustani word of Arabic Origin. That’s Why, it is called Hookah.

How Long Does A Hookah Last?

Your hookah-lasting capability depends upon the components, packing of the bowls, amount of heat, and user preferences. If we have to calculate, your hookah can last approximately 45 minutes-1 hour.

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